Keep track of all those small social obligations that you give and receive every day. "Do I owe you $5?" "Whose turn is it?" are no longer awkward situations. These really arent debts, more of the relationship glue between each of us.
Best of all its FREE!
Create a new "debt" quickly and simply. Select the WHO from your contacts (theres a shortcut to create a new contact) or from the list of previously noted folks. Spin the wheel to select the WHAT, adding a bit of details. Select HOW you want to interact with them (Text? Email? Or keep it just to yourself). And, of course, specify whether you owe them or they owe you.
Everything you put into Jiminy is stored only on your phone and an individual item is only shared with your friend if you actually send the text or email generated for you by Jiminy.
Send in your feature requests for the next version!